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DWA-A 199E, Part 1
Title:Service and Operating Instructions for the Personnel of Wastewater Systems - Part 1: Service Instructions for the Personnel of Wastewater Systems (November 2011)
Publication date:01 2014
Price:35.00 €
Operators of wastewater facilities shall establish service and operating instructions tailored to their respective circumstances in order to adhere to the requirements especially of § 57 of the German Water Resources Management Law (WHG) and in order to meet the minimum requirements of the self-inspection or self-monitoring ordinances of Germany's federal states. Since the regulatory content of the service instructions for all types of wastewater facilities is predominantly indentical, Part 1 of this Standard is valid for the sewerage system including rainwater treatment facilities as well as for pumping stations and for wastewater treatment plants.
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Related Titles:DWA-A 199E, Part 4
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